What is the School Climate Survey?

The “School Climate Survey" is a research-based, validated and developmentally appropriate survey administered to students, school employees and families of students, in the predominant languages of the members of the school community, that measures and identifies school climate needs and tracks progress through a school climate improvement plan.

School Climate Survey:


● To use the school climate survey as a feedback pathway to identify strengths and challenges, to improve school climate, and to create or propose revisions to the school climate improvement plan.

● To utilize the school climate survey data with other relevant information, through a process, engaging all members of the school community and involving such members in a series of overlapping systemic improvements, school-wide instructional practices and relational practices that prevent, identify and respond to challenging behavior, including, but not limited to alleged bullying and harassment in the school environment.

School Climate Survey:


● The school climate survey is given as a feedback pathway to identify strengths and challenges, to improve school climate, and to create or propose revisions to the school climate improvement plan.

● The school climate survey is given at each school in the district to inform school and district planning and improvement efforts.

● The school climate survey is given to hear different perspectives from students, families, and staff.

● Connecticut law states each school shall administer a school climate survey to students, school employees, and families of students. School Climate Survey: Environment

● Designate a space for each class/grade level to complete the survey.

● Coordinate a day and time for the survey to be administered by designated staff members. ○ The survey will take 20-25 minutes to complete

● Pre-schedule makeup dates and times for students who miss the original administration date.

● Create a positive environment to take survey ○ Acceptable noise level ○ Explain why they are being asked to take a survey ○ Encourage participation and honest feedback ○ Provide the proper amount of time to take survey ○ Consider school-wide or class incentives.

Family School Climate Suvey