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New Families Meet and Greet: Kick Start Your Journey Here!


 Dear parents,

We are excited to announce an informative and engaging event for all new families joining our school community. Our New Families Meeting is scheduled for June 6th, at 10:00 AM.
Every year, we arrange this meeting with the goal of easing the big leap our new families are about to take into this vibrant educational journey. We understand that change can be daunting, especially when it concerns the important task of providing the best education for your little ones. With this meeting, we aim to put every concern and query related to this transitional year at ease. 
As individuals thrusted into a school year that has introduced itself much differently than others in the past, we want to ensure that you are adequately prepared for the exciting journey that lies ahead, and confident that this will be a fruitful and safe educational experience for both you and your children.
At this crucial meeting we will cover:
1. Vital aspects regarding school procedures, safety measures, and medical requirements, providing clear insights for the way forward.
2. The resources available to both you as parents and the thriving students enrolled in our dynamic programs.
3. Opportunities to connect with parents of current students where you can gain first-hand perspectives on the ins and outs of our school community.
Please note that this meeting, marked by collaboration and openness, is a significant stepping stone towards fostering an inclusive and nurturing environment for all of our families. 
As we look forward to welcoming new members to our school community, we can't wait to be a part of the incredible new beginnings that this academic year promises. Our collective energy and commitment have the power to make this school year a wonderful experience.
Mark your calendars for June 6th at 10:00 AM.
A sweet treat will be served!
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K-8 Summer School Applications

New Haven Public Schools will offer summer school from July 1, 2024 -  July 31, 2024 (school will be closed July 4, 2024 and July 5, 2024), from 8:00a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or 9:00a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for current Kindergarten - Grade 7 students.  All students will engage in reading, writing, science, and outdoor learning each day.  
Please submit accurate information in all fields - applications that are incomplete will not be accepted.  It is critically important to ensure that emergency and health information is recorded accurately.
Our current Kindergarten - Grade 7 students, who live in New Haven, will be assigned a bus.  However, transportation will not be provided for students who live outside of New Haven. Breakfast and lunch will be served for all students.
Please complete an application for each student you wish to enroll (with their unique ID).
If you have questions, please reach out to your school!

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Las Escuelas Públicas de New Haven ofrecerán clases de verano del 1 de julio de 2024 al 31 de julio de 2024 (la escuela estará cerrada el 4 de julio de 2024 y el 5 de julio de 2024), de 8:00 a.m. a 12:30 p.m. o 9:00 a.m. a 1:30 h. para jardín de infantes - grado 7. Los estudiantes participarán, todos los días,  en actividades en el área de la lectura, escritura, ciencia y aprendizaje al aire libre.  No se aceptarán solicitudes que estén incompletas. Es de vital importancia garantizar que la información de los contactos de emergencia y de salud se registre con TODA precisión.
A nuestros estudiantes actuales de jardín de infantes a séptimo grado, que viven en New Haven, se les asignará un autobús. Sin embargo, no se proporcionará transporte a los estudiantes que vivan fuera de New Haven. Se servirá desayuno y almuerzo para todos los estudiantes.
Complete una solicitud para cada estudiante que desee inscribir (con su identificación única).
Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con su escuela.

       ###############      Pashto    ##################      
د نیوهیون عامه ښوونځی به د اوړې موسم (دوبی موسم ) له جولای له لومړی نیټې څخه شروغ او د جولای په ۳۱ نیټه ختمیږی.  د جولای په څلو او پنځمه نیټه به بند وی . د سهار له اتوبجو ۸:۰۰څخه تر دولس نیموبجو پوری او یا له نهو بجو ۹:۰۰) څخه تر یوه نیمه بجوپورې دوام کوی   
.له ورکتون څخه تر اووم ټولګی پورې به ټول شاګردان به هر ورځ  په لوستلو،لیکلو،ساینس او په بهر زده کړو بوخت وی 
مهرباني وکړئ په ټولو برخو کې دقیق معلومات ولیکی - هغه غوښتنلیکونه چې نیمګړتیاوې ولری ،شاید وا نه منل شی. دا ډیره مهمه ده چې بیړني او روغتیایی معلومات دقیق او په سمه توګه ولیکل او ثبت شی
د وړکتون او د اووم ټولګی زده کوونکي کوم چې په نیوهیون کې اوسیږی بس ټرانسپورټیشن  شتون لری ، په هرحال ،  څوک چې په بهر له نیوهیون  څخه اوسیږی د هغه دپاره بس  ټرانسپورټینشن شتون نه لری . ټولو شاګردانو دپاره  د  سهار او د غرمئ ډوډئ سهولت موجوده 
د هر زده کوونکی دپاره ، که غواړی شامل شی ، فورمه ډکه کړی او د ښوونڅی ایډی استعمال کړی
که کومه پوښتنه لری له خپل مکتب سره تماس ونیسئ                          
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  586 Hits

SBA Test Prep Informational Slides

Hello 3rd and 4th grade families. 

Attached you will find the slides in both Spanish and English for the up and coming end of the year State testing.  If you have any questions please reach out to your child's classroom teacher. 

SBA Information Slides

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  599 Hits

2023-2024 Family School Climate Survey

What is the School Climate Survey?

The “School Climate Survey" is a research-based, validated and developmentally appropriate survey administered to students, school employees and families of students, in the predominant languages of the members of the school community, that measures and identifies school climate needs and tracks progress through a school climate improvement plan.

School Climate Survey:


● To use the school climate survey as a feedback pathway to identify strengths and challenges, to improve school climate, and to create or propose revisions to the school climate improvement plan.

● To utilize the school climate survey data with other relevant information, through a process, engaging all members of the school community and involving such members in a series of overlapping systemic improvements, school-wide instructional practices and relational practices that prevent, identify and respond to challenging behavior, including, but not limited to alleged bullying and harassment in the school environment.

School Climate Survey:


● The school climate survey is given as a feedback pathway to identify strengths and challenges, to improve school climate, and to create or propose revisions to the school climate improvement plan.

● The school climate survey is given at each school in the district to inform school and district planning and improvement efforts.

● The school climate survey is given to hear different perspectives from students, families, and staff.

● Connecticut law states each school shall administer a school climate survey to students, school employees, and families of students. School Climate Survey: Environment

● Designate a space for each class/grade level to complete the survey.

● Coordinate a day and time for the survey to be administered by designated staff members. ○ The survey will take 20-25 minutes to complete

● Pre-schedule makeup dates and times for students who miss the original administration date.

● Create a positive environment to take survey ○ Acceptable noise level ○ Explain why they are being asked to take a survey ○ Encourage participation and honest feedback ○ Provide the proper amount of time to take survey ○ Consider school-wide or class incentives.

Family School Climate Suvey


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  788 Hits

BOMUS Black History Panel

On Thursday, February 22, 2024, we hosted a Black History Panel highlighing some of the REAL Heroes of New Haven.  The panelists included: Author Dondi Burroughs, Senator Gary Winfield, Nurse Shante Teel-Williams, Ms. Alicia Crutchfield owner of Bloom and Hamden's Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Gary Highsmith. 

Please click the link below to view the story below.

BOMUS Black History Panel covered by New Haven IndependentScreenshot 2024 02 23 111122

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Black History Month at BOMUS

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What's on the menu this month?

Here's the lunch menu for our scholars this month! 

Screenshot 2024 02 01 083434


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NHPS Magnet School Expo

On Saturday, January 27, 2024 from 10am - 2pm NHPS will be hosting a Magnet School Expo At Wilbur Cross High School.  

Please click the link below for more information.

NHPS Magnet Expo



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We are excited to host any potential families!

We are creating provocative learning experiences for our scholars that will help them be true contenders in today's competitive world.

Learn about our school by joining one of our open houses or the NHPS EXPO

January 24th in person at 69 Farnham Avenue New Haven, Conn 06515

January 27th in person at 181 Mitchell Drive New Haven, Conn 06511 (NHPS EXPO)

February 6th on zoom:

Meeting ID: 841 2428 3048
Passcode: nvt667


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  820 Hits

Ended the Year with Profound Performances!

We are thrilled to announce that our year at Barack Obama Magnet University has started on a high note, with a fantastic performance by our scholars.

We want to take this opportunity to extend our deepest gratitude to all the parents who came out to support our students. Seeing nearly 200 family members in attendance, showing their unwavering support for our scholars, was heartwarming. The morning and evening performances were a testament to our students and faculty's hard work and dedication.

Moments like these remind us of the incredible community we have here at Barack Obama Magna University. Your presence and support make all the difference, and we are grateful for every one of you.

As we embark on this new year, we look forward to continued growth and success for our scholars, and we are confident that with your continued support, they will achieve even greater heights.

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  723 Hits

Check out the Elevation of our Fall Festivities!

Trunk or Treat and our Harvest Walk were a blast for our staff and scholars.  We owe our parents a special thank you for their support in making it a memorable experience.  These events are set to engage our scholars and strengthen our family ties among staff, scholars, and our parents.

Education should be an adventure for all!

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  662 Hits

YNHH and BOMUS work to increase a LOVE for READING!

On November 3rd, YNHHS visited BOMUS to read to all students simultaneously. With 22 volunteers, including bilingual/Spanish speakers, scholars were able to engage in an interactive and enjoyable experience listening and responding to some all-time favorite pieces of literature. These experiences represent the joint efforts required to promote literacy and a love for reading.  

We can only hope to inspire our young scholars to explore the world of books and seek education as a gateway to success.

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  766 Hits

BOMUS Is Going Pink!

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, we are going pink!  

For a $1 donation, all students and staff can wear pink this coming Friday, October 20, 2023!  

Pink Out Day


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Trunk or Treat

Join us on Monday, October 30th for our FIRST Trunk or Treat!  If you would like to participate, the deadline to secure your spot is Monday October 23rd.   Please see the flyer for more details. 

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'Hats' a Great Way to Support Attendance!

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Attendance is of paramount importance for students as it plays a crucial role in their academic success and personal development. By consistently attending classes, students enhance their knowledge and understanding of the subject matter, sharpen their skills, nurture their discipline, and establish a strong work ethic.

One of the critical reasons why attendance is vital is the direct correlation between class attendance and academic performance. Attending school regularly allows scholars to actively engage in discussions, exercises, and activities that complement and reinforce their learning in textbooks. Frequent absenteeism, on the contrary, results in missed information, incomplete class assignments, and limited access to valuable educational resources, significantly hampering the learning process. Research has consistently shown that scholars attending classes regularly tend to perform better on examinations and assignments than their counterparts who skip classes frequently.

Furthermore, regular attendance instills a sense of discipline and responsibility among scholars. By consistently showing up to school, scholars develop the habit of punctuality, which is essential in their future professional lives. The routine created by attending school on time prepares them for regular employment, ensuring they are punctual and dependable individuals. Additionally, regular attendance also helps scholars in developing practical time management skills. By adhering to a schedule and dedicating specific time slots to schooling, they learn to balance their commitments and avoid procrastination—a valuable skill throughout their lives.

Let's recommit and make school fun again!


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  741 Hits

Dismissal Updates


So, we are beginning our formal procedures for dismissal on Tuesday, September 5, 2023!  Scholars have been issued individual numbers similar to those included in the picture. If your child is a pickup, please provide the designated staff member with a  picture of your child's number or the actual number card. Providing this information will prevent the given staff member from requesting a state-issued ID. Please do not share this number with anyone not authorized to pick up your child. Also, we ask that you keep all tags on your child's backpack. If your number is compromised, please notify the office. 

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  825 Hits

Orientation Presentation

Hello Families!

We are proud to say that we had  close to 100 families join us for our orientation this past Thursday, August 24th. We thank you for your commitment and support in our efforts to start this new school year off STRONG! Attendance is our number one focus for the year. If our scholars are not present and on time, it is hard for us to ensure that we are providing them with the education they DESERVE.  This year will be powerful and filled with excellence. We have attached the link to our orientation slides to provide you with the information for the upcoming school year.

Orientation Slides

If you missed orientation, please call the school so that you can get all the required information for orientation. 

Please be reminded that we open our doors at 8:33 AM. Kindergarten scholars will meet their teachers in the front of the building while 1-4  scholars will be escorted to their designated locations.  

Best intentions,android chrome 96x2


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Orientation Information

Hello Families!

We are awaiting your arrival on August 31st (K-4) and September 5th (Pre-K).  Please note that orientation will occur on August 24 at 11 AM and 5 PM for grades, kindergarten through 4th. As for our Pre-K scholars, we will hold their orientation on August 30th at 10 AM.  


See the link below:




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  1036 Hits

Back to School 2023

Hello families!!! It's almost that time!

Please see the first day of school for Pre-K – 12 students for the 2023 – 2024 academic year below.


Start Date

K – 12

August 31, 2023

All Pre-K

September 5, 2023


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  848 Hits

BOMUS New Family Meet & Greet 2023




















Hello New Families!  Please click the link below to view the New Family Meet & Greet presentation that took place on Thursday, June 8, 2023.    We are looking forward to meeting our new scholars in the fall!  


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